• Stegmaier
  • Stegmaier
  • Stegmaier
  • Stegmaier
  • Stegmaier

Race awnings for your success

Stegmaier Textile Solutions develops creative and sophisticated race awnings, motor sport awnings and cycling race awnings made of textile materials that impress with their love of detail and craftsmanship. Our racing awnings are developed for racing teams throughout Europe with great dedication and passion.

In addition to other special areas such as industrial sound insulation, industrial separation and textile construction, we also implement classic projects such as vehicle tarpaulins and lettering in excellent quality and a great deal of care.

Stegmaier News

Hey, we got a new look!

Hey, we got a new look!

May we introduce - our new logo - part of our new brand design.

Our old logo has accompanied us faithfully for many years, but now the time has come for our new look, which suits us and our mission even better: textile solutions for strong ideas.

In doing so, we are guided by our 3 value areas, which we use to align our actions: innovative ideas, awareness of our environment and positive team spirit – this is what unites us and makes us successful.

In the course of the near future, our appearance will continue to adapt to our new brand design.

We are and will remain Stegmaier textile solutions - with a new company logo and new corporate design.

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Racing out of passion

We are at home in Germany, the home of inventors and car manufactures. Maybe that's why we have this gene in our blood. Coupled with our passion, this means the best conditions for a particularly smart and elegant solution for your Stegmaier race awning.

Stegmaier Textile Solutions - your expert for design and manufacturing of sophisticated motor sport awnings, race trailer awnings, race awnings and vehicle awnings for technical support, as workshop, as Race Base or Hospitality Lounge.

Motor sport awnings

Stegmaier Textile Solutions - your expert for design and manufacturing of sophisticated motor sport awnings, race trailer awnings, race awnings and vehicle awnings for technical support, as workshop, as Race Base or Hospitality Lounge. More..

Graphics service, digital printing, branding for race awnings / motorsport awnings


Do you wish to put successful and eye-catching advertising on your vehicles or race awnings? Then we’re the right partner for you. Our superb signage/graphics and digital-printing service can deliver a wide range of different fonts and modern equipment that produces outstanding results. More..
